Policies and Procedures

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Resident Policy and Procedure Guidelines

Cardinal Rules:

Violation of the following rules will result in immediate termination from the program:

  1. Violence, threats of violence or weapons of any kind.
  2. Possession or use of drugs and or alcohol.
  3. Consistent Non-payment of rent on Friday.
  4. Theft or unauthorized use of any kind.
  5. Any new criminal charges resulting in arrest.

House Guidelines:

Violation of the following will result in write ups, extra duty assignments, loss of pass privileges or bed reassignment. Three write ups will bring about a review by staff for possible termination from the program.

Kitchen/Dining/Dining TV Area:

  1. Our kitchen is open to all residents, but it is limited in cookware and utensils. We ask that you please do not take cups, plates, or utensils out of the kitchen. All dishware and silverware are to remain in the Kitchen or Dining Area. No dishes or utensils should be taken into the living areas or taken to work from the house for any reason.
  2. We will supply assorted foods, but you will make your own breakfast and lunch. Dinner is provided Monday through Friday by 5 pm. Weekends are on your own.
  3. Kitchen area is off limits from 2:00 to 5:00 pm and after 9:00 pm Sundays through Thursdays, and after 11:00 pm on Fridays and Saturdays.
  4. All dishes used are to be immediately washed, rinsed and placed in the drying rack before being placed in the dishwasher to be sanitized.
  5. The washer and dryer in the kitchen is for staff use only for washing house linens, blankets, towels, etc., unless directed by staff.
  6. The refrigerator in the kitchen area is for staff use only.
  7. Any food that you purchase on your own, may be kept in the refrigerators and freezers in the dining area. Please put your purchased food in a bag with your name and a date on it. Please do not use or eat something that does not belong to you.
  8. Locked cabinets are for staff use only.
  9. Eating is only to be done at tables in Dining Area – no food is to be eaten in the Sanctuary, upstairs, kitchen counter or TV area.
  10. The microwave should be cleaned after each use.
  11. Clean up any mess you make!
  12. Gas wall heater is to be turned on only by Staff.
  13. The Kitchen Pantry Room in the hallways is for staff use only.
  14. TV in the Dining Area is to remain off limits from 8:00 am – 9:00 am or until after the house is cleaned.
  15. No sleeping or lying on the couches – residents are only allowed to sleep in their assigned bed.
  16. No feet on the furniture.


  1. Beds are to be neatly made Monday through Friday by 7:30 am with the red blanket covering the bed.
  2. No trash should be left in the living area and all personal items are to be neatly stored.
  3. Sanctuary residents will be mindful and be respectful of others at all times.
  4. Do not enter another resident’s living area unless he is present and you have his permission.
  5. No excessive noise after curfew and lights out.
  6. No reading lights will be kept on after 9 pm.
  7. No music should be played in the sanctuary without headphones.
  8. No phone conversations in the Sanctuary after 9:00 pm.
  9. TV and overhead lights are to be turned off by 9:00 pm seven days a week.
  10. Appliances are not allowed in the Sanctuary.
  11. Beds are only to be assigned by Staff. Do not move to another bed unless directed by staff.
  12. Do not leave personal items in the bathrooms and showers. Any items left unattended are subject to disposal.
  13. Laundry is not to be left unattended in machines.
  14. Thermostat is only to be adjusted by Staff

Upstairs Living Area:

  1. Residents will have the option to move upstairs by seniority and by staff approval and compliance with the program guidelines.
  2. Only Staff members and residents who live upstairs are allowed upstairs.
  3. Do not enter another resident’s room unless he is present and you have his permission.
  4. Beds are to be made Monday through Friday.
  5. Room and bed assignments are only to be assigned by Staff.
  6. Living areas are to remain neat and uncluttered.
  7. Upstairs residents are responsible for making sure the upstairs remains clean and completing assigned rotating cleaning duties. Please see chart posted in the upstairs hallway.
  8. Do not leave personal items in the bathrooms and showers. Any items left unattended are subject to disposal.
  9. Assigned cleaning duties are to be completed by7:00 pm and inspected by the House Manager.
  10. Except for televisions, appliances are not allowed upstairs.
  11. Excessive volume is not allowed.
  12. Upstairs backdoor is for emergency use only – it is only to be opened only in the event of an emergency or by Staff.
  13. Gas wall heaters are only to be turned on/off by Staff.


  1. Tobacco products of any kind and vaping are only to be used outside and within the assigned area on the front porch.
  2. Cigarette butts are to be disposed of properly in assigned containers. Do not throw cigarette butts on the ground.
  3. Front porch area should be kept neat and clean. Do not leave trash on the front porch.
  4. Program residents are not allowed in storage sheds without a member of Staff present.

CREAA Vehicles:

  1. Absolutely no smoking, vaping or use of tobacco products in CREAA vehicles.
  2. There is to be no eating or drinking in CREAA vehicles.
  3. All CREAA vehicles are to be well taken care of and no trash left in the vehicles.
  4. Only approved individuals with a valid driver’s license are allowed to drive CREAA vehicles.
  5. Do not ask drivers to go somewhere other than regularly scheduled destination(s).
  6. Do not distract drivers.
  7. Seatbelt use is required.
  8. Dishware, plates, silverware and cups from the kitchen are not allowed in CREAA vehicles.
  9. Drivers of CREAA vehicles are not to accept anything of value from those they are giving rides to.
  10. Any unauthorized use of a CREAA vehicle will result in disciplinary action and/or termination from the program.

Transportation Request Guidelines:

  1. Any request for transportation should be directed to the Transportation Manager and should be given no less than 24 hours in advance.
  2. Any request for transportation is subject to staff availability and approval. It is up to the program resident to give as much notice as possible to the Transportation Manager. If transportation is not available, the program resident is responsible for rescheduling the appointment or obtaining their own transportation.
  3. No transportation will be provided by CREAA to any court, probation, parole, doctor’s appointments, etc. outside of Cullman County unless given permission by the Executive Director. Program residents are responsible for obtaining their own transportation to and from any appointments outside of Cullman County.
  4. Transportation will be provided free of charge to Walmart on Saturdays at 1:00 pm. Any other trips to the store will be charged to the program resident at $7.00 per trip.
  5. CREAA will provide transportation to and from work. Transportation costs are based on mileage. Any transportation under 10 miles is $7.00 a day and any transportation over 10 miles is $10.00 per day.

Personal Vehicles:

  1. Approval for having a personal vehicle on CREAA property must first be obtained from the Program Director.
  2. A valid driver’s license and proof of insurance is required and copies must be kept on file in the office.
  3. Program residents are not to give rides to other program residents in their personal vehicles without prior authorization from the Executive Director, Program Director, or House Manager.
  4. Program residents are not to loan their personal vehicles to other residents.
  5. Any Program resident in their first three weeks of residency or is on restriction, cannot leave without prior authorization from the Executive Director, Program Director, or House Manager.

General Rules of Conduct:

Chain of Command:

All program residents should follow the chain of command when questions, issues or problems arise.
The Chain of Command is as follows:

Transportation: All requests or questions concerning transportation should be referred to the Transportation Manager, Jimmie Batemon.

House Concerns: All concerns, requests or questions concerning the outside property maintenance or inside the house living arrangements should be addressed to the House Manager, Kelly Rittenhouse.

Administrative Requests to the CREAA Office: All requests for admission into the program, drug screens, proof of residency, completion certificates, progress reports, and copies to be sent to law enforcements agencies should be referred to the Program Director, John Means.

Rent Procedure, Program Rules and Passes: All requests or questions concerning rent, program rules,
or weekend passes should be referred to the Program Director, John Means or the Executive Director
Albert Pugh.


  1. Only First Shift employment is acceptable.
  2. Termination from employment for cause or quitting without the approval of the Executive Director or Program Director will result in review by staff.
  3. When a program resident gets behind on rent, we will work with them, but it is expected that each individual w work towards a zero balance. Failure to do so in a timely manner will result in a review by staff and could result in disciplinary action or termination from the program.
  4. Program residents not currently working will be given daily work assignments by the House Manager.
  5. Program residents are not to accept employment anywhere that requires CREAA to provide transportation, without getting prior permission of the Executive Director or Program Director.
  6. Once employed, program residents are not to change employers without the prior approval of the Executive Director or Program Director.

Behavior and Program Expectations:

  1. Curfew is at 9:00 pm Sunday through Thursday and at 11:00 pm on Friday and Saturday. Leaving the house after these designated times can result in termination from the program.
  2. No horseplaying or yelling.
  3. Be respectful of others.
  4. Program residents must complete any assigned duty or chore in a satisfactory manner.
  5. Program residents are to remain positive and supportive of each other and this program.
  6. Coarse or vile language will not be tolerated.
  7. Television programs are to be family-friendly – coarse language, nudity, drug use or excessive violence are unacceptable.
  8. Program residents are expected to practice acceptable personal hygiene – showers are a daily requirement.
  9. All personal prescription medications are to be checked in with Staff and approved.
  10. Program residents are required to arrive for all required meetings five minutes early.
  11. Cell phones are to be turned off during all House Meetings and church services.
  12. Cell phones are considered a privilege, not a right, and may be confiscated.
  13. Proper attire is required – no sagging pants or gang-related items, shirts are to be worn at all times, and pajamas can only be worn to sleep in.
  14. Program residents may neither borrow nor lend money or anything of value to other program residents. This includes personal vehicles.
  15. Any violation of these guidelines could result in disciplinary action.

Church Attendance and Weekly Roundtable Meetings:

  1. Mandatory attendance is required for church services on Sundays at 9:00 am and Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Dining Room TV area.
  2. Mandatory attendance is required for Roundtable meetings every Thursday at 7:00 pm.
  3. Mandatory attendance is required for all House meetings which are held every other Monday at 7:00 pm or as needed.
  4. During church services or any group meeting, the following activities are prohibited:
    1. No washing or drying of clothes.
    2. No refrigerator or microwave use.
    3. No getting up to make coffee.
    4. No cell phone use of any kind.
    5. No talking during church services.

Drug/Alcohol Screening:

  1. Every program resident will be assigned a color upon entry into the program, and will be required to submit a urine sample on the days that their color is announced.
  2. Records of the tests are to be kept in the program resident’s file and submitted to outside entities as required and on a timely basis.
  3. Failure to submit a urine sample within two hours in accordance with Staff directives will be considered a failed drug screen, and the program resident will be terminated from the program immediately. A $25.00 fine will be charged to the resident’s account for any failed drug screen.
  4. All drug screening will be observed by staff or the test will be considered invalid.
  5. Program residents will also be subject to drug and alcohol screening at any other time as determined by CREAA Staff, with failure to comply considered a failed drug screen.
  6. Individuals dismissed from the program will have one hour to pack their belongings and arrange transportation.

Passes and Visitation:

  1. Passes may be issued to Program residents who have been in the program for a minimum of three weeks and who are in good standing.
  2. To be in Good Standing, Program residents must be current on all financial obligations to CREAA, be gainfully employed, and have not received a recent write up.
  3. In order to be eligible for a weekend pass, program residents must submit a Pass Request to the office by Thursday morning for approval by the Program Director or the Executive Director.
  4. Program residents will be required to submit to a drug screen upon return from pass. There will be a $25.00 drug screen fee to be paid before going on pass.
  5. All program residents must return from pass by 7:00 pm, so that a drug screen can be performed by staff.
  6. Program residents may have visitors from 12:00 pm until 4:00 pm on Sundays.
  7. Visitors are not allowed in residents rooms or the Sanctuary.
  8. Visitors must dress and act appropriately.
  9. Any visitor appearing to be under the influence of any substance will be asked to leave immediately and will not be allowed to return.
  10. Program residents may leave site on Sundays with visitors with Staff approval, but must inform staff upon returning to CREAA property by 4:00 pm.
  11. No visitors are allowed on CREAA property during the week without permission.
  12. Program residents are not allowed to walk/ride bicycle anywhere off-site without permission from Staff.
  13. Program residents shall not leave the property without informing the House Manager or signing the sign out sheet posted in the kitchen hallway.
  14. Program residents who are currently on probation must have the written permission of their P.O. to be able to leave the property outside of weekly store runs, work and official CREAA functions.

Good Standing:

To be in Good Standing, a CREAA program resident must demonstrate the following:

  1. Three weeks in the program without writeups.
  2. Current on rent.
  3. Current employment.

Termination from the Program:

  1. Individuals will be expected off of CREAA property with all of their belongings within one hour of being involuntarily dismissed from the program.
  2. CREAA will not be responsible for the storage of any personal items in the event that an individual is dismissed from the program for cause.
  3. Individuals dismissed from the program will not be allowed back onto CREAA property.
  4. Individuals who are non-compliant with Staff directives will be trespassed.
  5. Individuals dismissed from the program will only be allowed to return at the discretion of the Executive Director.
  6. Individuals dismissed from the program also will be charged a $350.00 intake fee, must pass a drug screen and will be placed on a redemption plan reviewed and approved by staff.
  7. All mail sent to CREAA will be returned to sender and no mail will be held for those no longer residing at the house. It is the individual’s responsibility to notify the Post Office of their change of address.